No, your computer is not on Blue Screen of Death (BSoD)
(The photo above is not my art work, but my friend's)
Hello from the other side, I am a self taught UNITY game developer from the Philippines. I am a hobbyist game developer and NOW a Multi-platform game developer in my country.
I also do commissions for x86 Assembly Programming Language.
I usually do games and documentation that involved the said programming language.
Here are some of my GAMING projects in assembly programming language:
My bread and butter when I was in college
Game Submissions for Game Jams
Work Experience:
>> Multi-platform Game Developer (Ortigas, Pasig) Global Mobility
January 2021 to July 2021
Projects handled/Task Given:
1. Unity-Kinect Auto Calibration of Hand Reach for 3D Camera Sensor.
2. Image Importer for Android
3. SCORM xAPI for UNITY 3D using LRS / LMS moodle
>> Mobile Game App Developer (BGC, Taguig)
August 2021 to August 2022 (first week)
Projects handled/Task Given:
1. Bingo related Game translated and optimized for Android Mobile.
2. Designing and creating of games for the smartphone app.
3. Conducting design reviews and fixing technical issues.
4. Documenting the game design process, programming prototypes.
5. Managing of the developer page of Google and Apple iOS.
6. Publishing of the First Filipino Bingo Game/Platform in Android and Apple iOS.
7. Handles a team of 3 (Apple IOS, Android, and WebGL developer)
Done: Has published 6-in-1 games (6 games in 1 app) using downloadables.
Upcoming: Additional games in that same app.
Game URL:
>> Associate Research and Development Engineer (Ayala Makati)
>>>> UNITY VR Developer
July 27, 2022 to March 17, 2023
Projects handles/ Task Given:
1. Prototype VR Simulation of Fire Safety Education using Unity3D
2. Collaboration with another developer on the project that I lead
3. Documentation and video sample provided for client
4. Used Blender for 3D assets and AssetForge
Documentation URL:!AtYIITS250ZsgRB6J4qZAYjCPdiB?e=6mAH4W
Prototype Game URL:
>> Solid Leisure Solutions Inc. (Ortigas Tektite Tower)
>>>> UNITY 3D Game Developer
March 20, 2023 to Present
Project handles/Task Given:
Senior Game Developer
- Unity3D Engine (connected to LayaAir engine, as the 3D looks of the game,/ created Bingo related games)
- Cocos2D Engine/Cocos3D Creator (Typescript)
- FairyGui - cross-engine open-source UI solution
- Egret Wing Engine (HTML5)
- LayaAir3D Engine (connected with Unity3D, handles the logic and UI of the game)
-Protocol Buffers API - language neutral/platform neutral Interface Definition Language(IDL)
- Application of SpinePro/DragonBones animation on game engines.
- FIGMA - collaborative web application for interface design, with additional offline features enabled by desktop applications for macOS and Windows.
- JIRA for bug tracking and Confluence for weekly/monthly reports and Product Requirements Documentation(PRD) or Game Design Documentations (GDD)
- Communication software used: Youdo/ITalk, Whatsapp, Lark (current)
Number of products/games handled so far:7
Last Update: January 24, 2024
Certified Lean Six Sigma